To find your YouTube statistics, you can use YouTube Analytics, a tool provided by YouTube for creators. Here’s how you can access and explore your YouTube stats:

  1. Sign in to Your YouTube Account:
    • Log in to the YouTube account associated with your channel.
  2. Go to YouTube Studio:
    • Click on your profile picture in the top-right corner of the YouTube homepage.
    • Select “YouTube Studio.”
  3. Access YouTube Analytics:
    • In YouTube Studio, click on the “Analytics” tab on the left sidebar.
  4. Overview of Key Metrics:
    • The default view provides an overview of key metrics, including views, watch time, and subscriber count.
    • Explore the different tabs for more detailed insights.
  5. Reach Viewers:
    • In the “Reach Viewers” tab, you can find information about impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and unique viewers.
  6. Interest Viewers:
    • The “Interest Viewers” tab provides insights into your audience’s demographics, including age, gender, and location.
  7. Build an Audience:
    • In the “Build an Audience” tab, you can see metrics related to subscribers, including subscriber growth and lost subscribers.
  8. Earn Revenue:
    • If your channel is monetized, the “Earn Revenue” tab provides insights into your revenue, including ad revenue and RPM (Revenue per Mille).
  9. Customize Date Range:
    • YouTube Analytics allows you to customize the date range for the data you want to view. Adjust the timeframe to analyze specific periods.
  10. Top Videos:
    • Check the “Top Videos” section to see which videos are performing the best in terms of views and watch time.
  11. Realtime:
    • The “Realtime” tab provides insights into your current performance, including views and watch time in real-time.

By regularly monitoring YouTube Analytics, you can gain a deep understanding of your audience, improve your content strategy, and make data-driven decisions to enhance the performance of your YouTube channel.