Both people and search engines alike will be greatly impressed by a fluent and appealing presentation of what your business has to offer. However, what real readers enjoy, often does not sufficiently cover what a search engine might be looking for.

Made to be unique offers copy writing services for those of their clients who do not want to take the time to write their own content, or would like to add a professional touch to help them incorporate crucial key terms in order to enhance search engine results.

If you choose to opt for our copy writing services, we ask you provide us in writing with all factual details you want included. An unsorted list format is fine. Also, please indicate the ‘voice’ you would prefer your content to be in: informative, emotionally appealing, entertaining, touch of humor, etc. If you would like specific key terms included, please mention those as well.

Made to be unique charges $ 55 per page of coherent text based on your information (approx 500 words). If you need product descriptions, we charge $ 5 per/100 words, with a minimum of $ 5 per product description. Should you desire Made to be unique to research content or data on your behalf, please ask us for a custom quote.

Contact us today to find out what Made to be unique can do for you.