Q: Someone gave me a quote for numerous keywords that would put me on top three search engines top of page, but minimum is $400 a month for a min. of 3 months.  Flat Fee, not pay per click.

A:  I would be VERY careful with these kind of promises!  Have they shown you their portfolio, do they have many references of successful happy clients that you can personally contact yourself for reference?

If not then I’d strongly suggest staying away and moving up the search engines organically or at least finding someone that can show proof they can do what they are promising… proof through a wide variety of references and an impressive portfolio.

Posting more articles is very search engine aggressive, then getting people to link from their website to your website (link building) is aggressive.  You can also do aggressive SEO through Youtube videos, always being sure to post good keywords in the title and then your domain name.  Also on all your posts and pages use good keywords in your titles… This too is VERY helpful in your quest to reach the top!