Start by looking through Google images under logos and try different keywords that relate to what you are selling or the services you provide. See if you get any ideas for a new logo that way.

Consider also going through logo templates for ideas. You can find thousands of logo templates in stock sites such as GraphicRiver, CreativeMarket and many others. Use them for inspiration. However logo templates are not good to use if you ever want to trademark your logo brand. So with that in mind I would encourage you to look through them for inspiration rather than for purchase or professional use, that is unless you find a nice logo template in which you are able to buy the owner rights to.

For logo icons consider the things you love. Is something precious to you as an individual (speaking to the business owner), that’s always good to use as logo icons as well. Think about things you enjoy, that gives you peace or strength when you look at it. Do you decorate your home with certain common things, like specific flowers, certain animals, butterflies, or ?? Do you use certain colors regularly? That may be an indicator of something you might want to use as a logo.

Need more ideas? Contact me, I’d love to help!