As of January 2022, TikTok provides analytics for users with a TikTok Pro account. Here’s a general guide on how to access and explore your TikTok stats:

For TikTok Pro Accounts:

  1. Switch to a TikTok Pro Account:
    • If you don’t have a TikTok Pro account, you’ll need to switch to one. You can do this by going to your profile, clicking on the three dots in the top right corner, and selecting “Manage account.” From there, you can switch to a Pro account.
  2. Access TikTok Analytics:
    • Once you have a TikTok Pro account, go to your profile.
    • Click on the three dots in the top right corner to open the menu.
    • Select “Analytics.”
  3. Overview of Key Metrics:
    • TikTok Analytics provides an overview of key metrics for the last 7 or 28 days, depending on your preference. Metrics include video views, follower count, and profile views.
  4. Content Insights:
    • Explore the “Content” tab to view insights into the performance of your individual videos. This includes views, likes, comments, and shares.
  5. Followers Insights:
    • The “Followers” tab provides information about your followers, including growth trends, demographics, and follower activity.
  6. Profile Views:
    • Check the “Profile” tab for insights into your profile views over a specified period.
  7. Customize Date Range:
    • TikTok Analytics allows you to customize the date range for the data you want to view. Adjust the timeframe to analyze specific periods.
  8. Trends and Challenges:
    • Explore additional sections for insights into trending content, challenges, and your participation in them.

Please note that TikTok’s features and interface may have evolved since my last update, and it’s advisable to refer to TikTok’s official resources or help center for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding accessing analytics on the platform.